

Forging an Elite Fitness Community




Forging an Elite Fitness Community


What Sets Us Apart:

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The holy grail of fitness…nothing is more effective at achieving your overall fitness goals than CrossFit. If you come 3-5 times a week, you will get in the best shape of your life. Just show up and your coach will lead you through 60 minutes that focuses on different muscle groups and different skills and strength work each day, so you’re never bored.

Being the third CrossFit Affiliate to open in the Myrtle Beach area, we have extensive experience navigating the world of CrossFit. Since we have been around for so long, we have a strong, established community and a proven track record of safe and effective training. At CrossFit Asperitas, we specialize in having smaller class sizes (less than 9 people per class), allowing for the highest quality coaching. All of our coaches have expert knowledge of movements. Our coaches have a wide background from active firefighters and first repsonders, certified USA Weightlifting Level 1 Sports Performance coaches, local team sports coaches, certified CrossFit Kids coaches, and ceritified CrossFit Gymnastics coaches.

Our programming is known to be stout and difficult, but all the movements are universally scaleable allowing anyone to take part. We take great pride on coaching excellent form and taking all proper safety precautions, which allows us to see athletes progress by giving lots of individual care and attention. Safety and injury prevention is our top priorty here at CrossFit Asperitas.

*Come train with Owner and Head Coach, John Kim, Crossfit Games Athlete in 2018, 2021, 2023 and 2024. In 2018, he finished the Reebok Crossfit Games by placing 16th worldwide in Madison, WI, In 2021, he finished in 7th in the 2021 NoBull Crossfit Games. In 2023, he finished in 2nd place at the NoBull CrossFit Games. And finally in 2024, he stood atop the Podium and finished in 1st place overall at the Masters Crossfit Games in Birmingham, AL.

He has also qualified for the World Masters Weightlifting Championships in 2016 in the 77kg class. Personal Training and Remote Programming is also available with John. Follow John's programming here and subscribe to the feed.

John's Rates and Contact Information

Our Mission

Whether your goal is to get stronger, lose weight, run faster, or just look better in a swimsuit, CrossFit Asperitas high-intensity group classes deliver greater results in less time than any other workout. Break away from the same boring workout everday, get individualized attention in each class, and find the community and motivation you need for optimal fitness, nutrition, recovery and wellness, all in one place.


See our Nutrition and Training Tips BLOG

Quality Equipment

We also only use the highest quality equipment. Bar none,  Rogue is the best CrossFit equipment maker and we use a Rogue Rig, Barbells, Bumper Plates, Rings, Jump Ropes, Kettlebells and Plyo boxes.  We also use Concept 2 Rowers, Alder Kettlebells, Dynamax Medicine Balls, and some Pendlay competition bumber plates. Our gym is neat, clean, organized and well run. We expect all our coaches to be professional and take all safety precautions at all times. Our coaches all use the same teaching/coaching methods allowing for consistency of movements.

WOD Structure

Our CrossFit WOD is designed to challenge, motivate, and encourage our members. Each class is instructed by a certified Level 1 CrossFit Coach, and is about an hour long. 

It consists of:
1. Group Mobility
2. General and Specific Warm Up
3. Strength/Skill Session
4. Metabolic Conditioning Workout of the Day (WOD)

Who can participate in our group workouts? ANYONE that has completed our Foundations Course, as well as visitors with CrossFit experience from another box, which we welcome with open arms! We offer classes 6 days a week and open gym time several times a week, check our schedule for class times!

The amount of work you do in one of our classes could never be matched on your own in the same amount of time in a traditional gym. This coupled with detailed instruction, professional coaching and rock solid programming, you will undoubtedly get in the best shape of your life! Don’t believe me? Come try a free workout anytime. The proof is in the pudding as they say.


“The social dynamic of group classes is extremely powerful. Run correctly, they motivate an athletic output that is only rarely matched in one-on-one training. The competition and camaraderie of the group classes motivated our line “Men will die for points” and the recognition that CrossFit is “the sport of fitness.”’ – Coach Glassman - Founder of CrossFit Inc., CrossFit Journal Issue 41


Programming and WODs

Programming and WODs


Click here to get your CrossFit Asperitas Merchandise!

Our workouts are a blend of a several sport specific disciplines and well known programs. It draws from Olympic Weightlifting, traditional CrossFit programming, as well as Gymnastics training workouts. We also program the WODs months in advance in order to take advantage of well known training progressions, skill development, and weight loss or mass goals.



"Our coaches strive for excellence. We take pride in coaching amazing athletes at all different levels with a multitude of backgrounds."


"Our coaches strive for excellence. We take pride in coaching amazing athletes at all different levels with a multitude of backgrounds."

Click here to get your CrossFit Asperitas Merchandise!

Our coaches strive for excellence. We take pride in coaching amazing athletes at all different levels with a multitude of backgrounds. We communicate often in order to be as consistent as possible in our coaching technique and knowing our clients. We constantly evolve and educate ourselves in subjects like Mobility, Olympic Weight lifting, and Gymnastics. We are a diverse group of athletes who love to coach.


Crossfit Asperitas Owner, CrossFit Level 1 Certification, CrossFit Level 2 Certification, CrossFit Gymnastics Certification, NASM-Certified Personal Trainer Certification, USA Weight Lifting L1 Sports Performance Certification.

I got a taste of my first CrossFit workout back in August of 2012, and I have been hooked every since. It has changed my life dramatically. I am much more cognizant of what I eat, how I train, taking proper rest days, setting goals, and living a lifestyle that is sustainable and healthy. Understanding the proper form of the movement is so much more important than doing it faster or "RX" (as perscribed). As you are able to do the movements with correct form, you will undoubtedly be able to perform at a higher level with heavier weight. I am preparing for competitions on a regular basis and want to focus on the Olympic lifts (Clean & Jerk, and Snatch), and the movements that are are my weakness.

2018 Reebok Crossfit Games - 16th Place

2019 Wodapalooza Fitness Festival - 9th place

2019 Kill Cliff Granite Games - 6th Place

2020 Legends Masters Championships - 7th Place

2021 NoBull Crossfit Games - 7th Place

2022 NoBull Wodapalooza Fitness Festival Qualifier

2023 NoBull CrossFit Games - 2nd Place

"Pain is Temporary, Pride is Forever"

TRISTAN VEILLEUXCrossFit Level 1 CertificationFAVORITE MOVEMENT: CLEAN  FAVORITE WOD:   "We don't find ourselves, we create ourselves."


CrossFit Level 1 Certification


"We don't find ourselves, we create ourselves."


CrossFit Level 1 Certification


CrossFit Level 1 Certification